Editions Tagged With 'all'

63Capturing Android Emulator Network Traffic with Appium
Using a Proxy, we can capture the exact network packets sent from an Android emulator and make assertions on their contents or timing. We can even modify the responses at will!
Published Apr 3, 2019
62Capturing iOS Simulator Network Traffic with Appium
Using a Proxy, we can capture the exact network packets sent from an iOS simulator and make assertions on their contents or timing. We can even modify the responses at will!
Published Mar 27, 2019
61How to Accurately Select Webviews Using the `fullContextList` Capability
The `fullContectList` desired capability can be used to select a specific webview context displayed on a device, if more than one are present.
Published Mar 20, 2019
60How to Pick the Right Locator Strategy
A look at the pros and cons of the main locator strategies supported on iOS and Android by Appium, and a loose ranking of which should be defaulted to if given a choice.
Published Mar 13, 2019
58How to Test on Headless Emulators and Simulators with Appium
Using the 'isHeadless' desired capability, you can tell Appium to run emulators and simulators in the background without their graphical user interfaces.
Published Feb 27, 2019
57How to Determine Element Locators For Mobile Web and Hybrid Apps
When we're automating mobile web and hybrid apps, it can be hard to know which selectors and locator strategies to use to find particular elements. Tools like Appium Desktop or uiautomatorviewer are no help here, but that's for a good reason: our browsers come with all the tools we need to solve this problem already.
Published Feb 20, 2019